Intake & Investigation
Foundations Course
A 2-day course that equips administrators, complaint managers, investigators, and Title IX coordinators to conduct thorough investigations
Course Overview
The two-day Intake & Investigations Course provides everything administrators need to confidently take a complaint through its entire lifecycle (inquiry, full investigation and appeal/hearing). 

Participants who successfully complete the Intake & Investigation Course receive a certificate of completion that they are compliant with Title IX regulations and are knowledgeable about the following:
The role and responsibilities of school administrators and the site-level complaint manager
Proactive approaches to warning signs and rumors
How to track and respond to rumors and patterns of victimization
How to conduct an environmental scan of the school population to identify multiple victims and witnesses
How to conduct effective interviews
A complete system of legally fit procedures, forms and analytical tools for investigation
Sensitivity to and appropriate interaction with the alleged victims, perpetrators, witnesses, community members and media during an investigation
Comply with 2020 Title IX Final Rule and recent 2024 regulations by ensuring your designated leaders know how to conduct a thorough investigation and reach appropriate determinations.
Results For Your School
The result is an organization-wide shift toward a culture of prevention and response.
Use of the McGrath Response System™
Simplifies the meeting of your compliance requirements, including federal laws, state regulations, and local policies
Safeguards students and staff
Deters offenders through effective training and response
Ensures the use of a consistent framework across your organization
Reduces litigation risk
Saves time, money, and resources through an effective processing sequence

Upcoming Trainings
We offer trainings across the US and Canada. Join one of our upcoming courses or contact us to schedule a training near you.
How is this training part of the McGrath Response System™?
The McGrath Response System™ is a system-wide approach for creating a culture of prevention and response and ensuring compliance with your district’s policies, state laws and federal regulations, including Title VI, Title VII, and Title IX.
It thoroughly addresses harassment, misconduct, discrimination and bullying with a single, easy-to-follow framework and set of tools. It covers student-to-student, student-to-staff, staff-to-student, and staff-to-staff issues and ensures your school or district is complying with the current 2020 Title IX Final Rule, as well as, providing updated materials in compliance with the 2024 Title IX regulations.
The Intake & Investigation Foundations Course is a crucial element of the McGrath Response System™. It ensures your designated leaders, such as your investigators, decision-makers and complaint managers, have the knowledge, skills and tools necessary for their roles.
With properly trained leaders ready to thoroughly investigate complaints, it’s important to engage your students and staff to help create a culture of ‘see something, say something.’
Our Staff and Student Awareness and Response Trainings explain what their rights are, what to report and whom to report to. Because all McGrath Courses leverage the same vocabulary and approaches, they reinforce one another and ensure consistency and cohesion across your school or district.